If you are the project leader, and the success of the project falls on your shoulders, no matter how great the people you have around you are, you have to know the critical financial information.
Advertising allowables, cost per leads or cost per orders, continuity projections, revenue contributions from clubs and retail, all have to be considered when understanding the profitability of media ran.
It's Not Rocket Science
 But it does take some focused critical thinking and the experience of savvy direct response marketers to make it easy.
Being able to talk numbers with the accountants, partners and service providers let's them all know you know what it takes to make this project a success and its an important step in getting the project off the ground and rolling it out, once you've proven concept.
Managing the numbers means less mistakes. It means saving money, it means a better return on investment.
It is one thing to have a successful direct response marketing campaign, and it is another to do it efficiently with a team that can repeat the process over and over.
Direct Response moves at lightning speed. Everyone talks about how important the creative is, and getting the best media, but before you get that far, the financial realities have to be as clear as a laser beam.
The person who watches the financials ends up being the real leader of the project because they see the effects of tactics before anyone else. They know how to move the team according to the stats.
Manage the project through financial information. The language of Direct Response is a language of financial information. Our course, Financial DR Management: from Scorekeeping to Strategy is short, sweet and intensive. It was designed for Project Leaders, successful entreprenuers and CFO's of direct response projects.
In one day you will learn everything you need to know to manage the finances of a direct response campaign. Before you even start you will have a Marketing Projection Model for the whole project and the many vertical profit centers an integrated direct response campaign has.
You'll have a P&L spreadsheet on the finances of the product configuration you choose, in order to make sure you are pricing the product, upsells and other programs correctly. You'll also get a campaign P&L model to plug in real-time numbers as results come in. And even more, you will get a thorough analysis of how to look at media results. What reports you need from the media group, and how to get them to give you the management tools you need so that they can be at the same step as you are instead of one or two steps behind!
We will also cover the other post direct response opportunities and their related costs. Outbound telemarketing campaigns, print, catalogue and the strategies for entering retail.
Financial DR Management: From Scorekeeping to Strategy
Is a comprehensive course for everyone managing a Direct Response Campaign.
If you don't find our course completely unique and full of Direct Response know-how, we have a 100% no questions asked, money back Guarantee. That's more than a guarantee, it's our promise.
I doubt if you'll ask, because once you've taken the course, you'll be amazed how much you learned on DRTV so quickly.
You'll be able to put what you learned into practice immediately with Financial DR Management: from Scorekeeping to Strategy.
Look at the many courses you see given by business educational institutions. How many of them offer a 100% money back guarantee? Rarely is it seen.
How can we do it?
Our goal is total satisfaction and a course which will impact your direct response marketing efforts and strategic thinking not just now but always! For that reason we distilled years of experience, many interviews, countless techniques and
know-how into this course.
If you need to find solutions, save your company money, find an innovative way to promote a project, The Direct Response Academy has the answer.
You are in for a DRTV experience that will change your approach to marketing forever!
For more information on the financial management of a Direct Response campaign or project, please call 512-301-5900 or email us at info@dracademy.org.
Have questions? We want to hear from you!
If you need answers to specific questions about your existing DR campaign - or a campaign you are considering - just fill in the form below. We will respond right away. (We will not share your email address with any third parties, NOR consider this a request to opt-in to the DRA's mailings.)