Direct Response Advertising

Direct Response Academy

Campaign Management
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Feasibility Analysis
Infomercial Production
Media Optimization
Infomercial Marketing
Radio Direct Response
Infomercial Vendors
Brand Response Advertising
Financial Analysis

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The Only Advertising That Pays For Itself

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Our Next Course:

Sponsered by
RESPONSE / MTC Expo 2018

DRTV Campaign Management &
Web Integration
Boot Camp

April 23rd : 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
April 24th : 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Hilton Bayfront Hotel
San Diego, CA


Direct response television
advertising and ecommerce integration boot-camp.

For more information:

infomercial academy phone number

Direct Response television advertising is accountable advertising that pays for itselfImagine, explaining the best features and benefits your product offers to a customer in the intimacy of their own home. Better yet, imagine cloning yourself and doing that in 150,000 or more homes simultaneously.

Television IS the most
powerful advertising medium

"Bold corporate marketers and successful entrepreneurs are generating great profits for their companies with DRTV and are finding ways to generate sales faster than traditional marketing strategies."

Did you ever think it possible to reach a large audience, create sales and build brand awareness ALL AT THE SAME TIME?

The exciting evolution of Direct Response marketing from its infancy to a preferred Marketing Model has garnered the interest of Fortune 500 companies world-wide as well as every advertising agency trying to offer every advantage to their clients as possible.  Brand stewards and CFO’s are both coming to terms with a branding and selling solution for their projects. This makes an advertising campaign self-liquidating because the contribution of profits eliminates all or a large percentage of media costs.

Marketers as diverse as dotcom companies acquiring unique visitors, to inventors and entrepreneurs creating sustainable advertising campaigns are taking advantage of the accountability inherent in a response mechanism to maximize advertising ROI. 

Direct Response Television Marketing

If you combine the mass market appeal of Television with a one on one sales presentation, you get Direct Response Television Marketing.

In the last 10 years, just about every major industry has been advertising with Direct Response Television (DRTV)... pharmaceuticals, automotive, high-tech, insurance and housewares to name a few.

They all understand that explaining a complex product or demonstrating its benefits is much more powerful than relying on a partially trained sales person at retail outlets.

For every product sold on TV, between 5 and 10 are sold in Retail.

And the best yet, once someone sees your product on TV, even if they don't buy it then, when they see it in retail, touch and feel it, they remember the commercial, and are much more likely to purchase, without the benefit of that in-store salesperson!

Yes, for every order placed on the phone by a consumer watching a direct response commercial between five or ten are sold in retail. And if you ever wanted to have leverage with a retail outlet, just tell them you sell your product on TV and they will bend over backward to be one of your retail distributors.

The Secrets to Direct Response TV Marketing

Seeing all of these TV commercials with "800" numbers, I am sure you have realized that a lot of them are far classier than the ones 7 or 8 years ago.

The goals of Direct Response TV (DRTV) campaigns have become very sophisticated in the last several years as corporate America figured out the ways to take advantage of this interactive approach to television marketing.

But DRTV marketing is a discipline all to its own. Only recently have advertising agencies created divisions trying to capture this business. But more often than not these divisions specialize in print and direct mail.

DRTV Secrets Revealed! Now you don't have to take years to learn Direct Response Televison.

Learning what works in Direct Response Television (DRTV) would take months, even years. The price to gain this education can cost in the tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars.

But bold corporate marketers and successful entrepreneurs are generating great profits for their companies with DRTV and are finding a way to beat the competition to market and generate sales faster than traditional marketing strategies can do.

Until now, the only way to learn DRTV was to share the profits of your project with an experienced DRTV marketer. Giving away large percentages to marketers, producers, and consultants often leads to dissappointment and a vow to do it differently in the future.

Well, the future is now! The Direct Response Academy GIVES YOU:

Knowledge And Street Smarts

The practical knowledge and street smarts to successfully implement a DRTV marketing campaign from beginning to end.

You don't have to lose control of one or more aspects of your project. The kowledge you gain will make a difference in understanding what is in your best interest or what is in someone else's best interest.

With street smarts, you'll make decisions which increase profitability and minimize time wasters.

continued below...
Have questions? We want to hear from you. If you have comments about our website, or would like some answers to specific questions regarding your existing DR campaign, then please provide your comments and questions below and we will respond immediately. (Your email address is for correspondence purposes only. It will not be shared with any third parties, OR be considered a request to opt-in for our own mailings.)



The Experiences Of The Most Successeful DRTV Marketers

Is experience the best teacher? Not unless it is someone else's. The time to learn what professsional direct response marketers have paid dearly to learn, over many successes and failures, will be shared with you in a few days.

These secrets when added to your plan of action will turn you into a force to be reckoned with, a person who must win, and knows what it will take to win.

The Know-How To Earn The Maximum Profits AND
The Secrets To Choosing The Best Service Providers

Knowing how to choose the best service providers and then managing them for your success is what creates huge successes and huge failures.

Knowing what they charge their best customers, negotiating the best deals and the secrets of managing them to act as if every penny spent was coming out of their pocket is a fundamental The Direct Response Academy is committed to teaching.

You Don't Have To Make The Mistakes

Our courses will give you the understanding of every Direct Response discipline and reveal the secrets professional direct response marketers have been using for years to create unbelievably successful campaigns.

All of the resources needed for each direct response discipline will be at your fingertips and the courses will show you the key decision parameters, so that you will make the best decisions in every situation, everytime.

Comprehensive in scope, everyday real-world case studies are examined. You will learn from the successes and failures of the very best direct response marketers.

Project Managers,
What does it take to succeed
in Direct Response Marketing?

  1. A great product or service that can be demonstrated or needs detailed explanation.
  2. A testimonial: people that can say how the product worked for them and how great it is,
  3. A great offer that is compelling.
  4. A sense of urgency that makes your customer run over to the phone and order now

Learning how to put these elements together while creating an appealing commercial is critical to your success. You are an expert in your product or service. NOW, you will become an expert in Direct Response Television.

The secrets of DRTV marketing are complex because they span several disciplines:

  1. Television Production
  2. Direct Sales and Marketing
  3. DRTV Media Buying: where rates are just a fraction of general rate advertising)
  4. DRTV Finances: measuring response and revenues against media costs instead of eyeballs or reach and frequency
  5. Telemarketing


For more information on Direct Response advertising, contact the Direct Response Academy today at 512-301-5900.