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Infomercial Marketing

Courses Provided By
Direct Response Academy:

DRTV Management Boot Camp

DRTV Back-End Management:
Where Profits Are Won or Lost

Winning the Media Game

DR Financial Management:
From Scorekeeping to Strategy

Bringing Your Media In-House

Course Schedule:

October 28-29, 2008
DRTV Management Boot Camp
Santa Monica, CA

October 30, 2008
DRTV Back-End Management
Santa Monica, CA

December 3-4, 2008
DRTV Management Boot Camp
(bonus: Xtra DRTV
Media Buying Feature)

Philadelphia, PA

January 21-22, 2009
DRTV Management Boot Camp:
Customer Acquisition

Miami, FL

January 23, 2009
DRTV Back-End Management
Miami, FL

March 10-11, 2009
DRTV Management Boot Camp
Austin, TX

March 12, 2009
DRTV Back-End Management
Austin, TX

April 7-8 , 2009
Winning the Media Game
Santa Monica, CA

April 28-30, 2009
USA Marketplace
Geneva, Switzerland
Chamonix, France

Long-Form TV Advertising - Is It Right For You?

Infomercial Marketing & Long Form Television Advertising with DR Academy To find out which direct response infomercial marketing plan works and which ones are guaranteed to fail many companies make huge investments. Yet much of their time, money and efforts go to waste.

You can minimize your risks and multiply your profits-by learning from the hard-won experiences of America's best DRTV Infomercial Marketers. Learn how Motor Up and Quaker State took opposite approaches to Direct Response Television (DRTV) - and why one company emerged a big winner while the other took a beating.
Related Links & Courses::
>> Why DRTV?
>> Why DRTV Training?
>> DRTV Management Boot Camp
>> Brand Response Marketing
>> Project Management

Read on… to discover the techniques that have been tested and proven by the most successful DRTV Infomercial innovators. You'll profit from their victories and avoid their mistakes!

You've heard the cliché: "Experience is the best teacher." Well, it isn't true... unless the experience is someone else's, and not yours! Why?

The answer is simple. To learn what works in Direct Response Television marketing would take you months or even years. The process would be trial-and-error. You might have some successes, but you'll also have a lot of failures.

Meanwhile, to pay for that education, your company would be spending at an incredible rate. And while all this is happening, think of the opportunities you'd lose out on to your competitors. There ought to be a better way.

Fortunately, there is! Did you ever suspect that a handful of Infomercial marketers might know something that you don't? Well, you're right!

Consider, for example, this success story about the stunning contrast between the DRTV strategies of Motor-UP and Quaker State. Sounds like the story of David and Goliath.

As a reaction to a much smaller company that created sales and very quickly gained a retail presence, Quaker State made a beautiful infomercial that ran a short time but created a more positive image for the company. Retail sales increased slightly, but more importantly market share was down dramatically.

Motor-Up on the other hand enthusiastically embraced the Infomercial format, and made it the cornerstone of a marketing campaign which gave them a powerful retail introduction and an international presence….all done in record time. By creating a successful infomercial and running it aggressively, over 1000 retail outlets were carrying their products just a few months after their infomercial was introduced.

Here's my point. Bold, innovative marketers-at both large corporations and small start-ups are generating spectacular profits using Infomercials. Not "potentially" in some distant future, but now! And they've been doing it for the last 15 years!

You can benefit from their experiences. How? Emulate their successes-and avoid their mistakes.

Of course, there's only one major obstacle. How do you obtain all that knowledge and competitive intelligence? It's not easy. I've worked with hundreds of Infomercial marketers. Their secretiveness often approaches paranoia, and it's not surprising.

A great deal of money is at stake! And when they are developing a new product, even just a few weeks head start from knock-offs and other competitors can mean millions!

When marketers realize specific ideas and tactics that generate new customers, and when they test them out and prove that they work consistently, those strategies just aren't shared with other companies..

The Direct Response Academy will:

  • Give you and your organization the practical knowledge and know-how to earn the maximum profits possible in an Infomercial Marketing Campaign.

  • Give you the understanding and street smarts to carry out an Infomercial Marketing campaign.

  • Give you know the secrets to choosing the best service providers and partners, to avoid the pitfalls that await amateurs whose lack of knowledge lead to lost opportunities, failed campaigns and huge financial losses.

The courses we offer will teach you everything, and I mean everything you will need to know to keep the profits in your pocket instead of ending up with a tiny share of the revenue generated.

In every DRTV course we offer, you'll learn the secrets savvy direct marketers have been using successfully for years to tilt the odds in their favor. Real life examples: blow by blow case studies of Infomercial Marketing campaigns, beginning to end. What they did, what it cost, results. These hard-won Infomercial lessons, packed with details and specifics, could be worth their weight in gold to you.

But you might be wondering: "If this information is so tough to obtain, how does this guy manage to ferret it out?

Fair enough. The answer is: with 10 years of DRTV experience with over a thousand different clients, persistent researching and everyday experience.

Most infomercial marketers are "one-time wonders," except a few professionals who have not only learned how to create a successful Infomercial campaign, but they know how to make just about every project work instead of the average one out of fifteen.

And while some of these marketers are indeed experts, most of them won't share their secrets with anyone no matter how friendly they seem on the surface.

But I have worked with most of these professionals for years. I learned with them and I can call upon an extraordinary network of sources: entrepreneurs, corporate marketers, production specialists, media buyers, telemarketers, and the list goes on and on.

These people know me personally. I have worked with them on many projects. I've worked side by side with them on projects and learned with them every new strategy developed. I earned their trust because I helped them make greater profits. So, over and above what I learned, they are willing to open up to me and tell me things they would never reveal.

Don't make the mistakes these marketers did!

We all know about the numerous Infomercial attempts that, despite enormous funding, were handicapped by poor marketing strategies, non-existent market research and generally no idea how to manage the process.

Now the consequences of those blunders are evident: campaigns that lost hundreds of thousands, marketing opportunities that were lost, great products that never became household names.

Sadly, these people learned their lessons the hard way, through their personal experience and wasting huge amounts of money, theirs and their partners.

The Direct Response Academy offers you a faster, easier, less painful way to discover the power of Infomercials, the effective and ineffective tactics-and avoid the disasters that have crippled unwary Infomercial pioneers.

The Direct Response Academy is the only resource that gives you the strategies, real-world tactics, and the street smarts of successful Infomercial marketers to create and manage successful Infomercial campaigns, revenues and profits.

Street Smarts, Clearly Explained, Ready to Use

Perhaps you're saying: "It sounds good. But how can I be sure that I can really put all this stuff into action and produce results? How do I know the courses will work for me?"

Let me reassure you. The Direct Response Academy, gives down to earth, practical solutions you can use today! The techniques and innovations we teach are based on years of actual Infomercial marketing experiences. You can implement them in your own business-easily, immediately, with great savings.

Our courses span several disciplines so take a look at each one to see how it can help you.

Take a closer look at our Courses and see for yourself!


For more information on Project Management, Public Courses and On-Site Training, and which is better for you, contact the Direct Response Academy today at 512-301-5900.